Saturday, December 29, 2007

The Warrior!

Came across this excellent blog when i went surfing the web for Firefox bicycles: He appears to be a pandit in long distance cycling, differentiating himself from the others with his ability to document all his activities in a simple and lucid tongue. His is a sterling example on how effective a blog can be in influencing public opinion. The guys from Firefox themselves are keeping an eye on his discussion threads, and hopefully, have taken a lot of positive input from him as well as all the folks who have commented on his site (that includes me!).
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Blast from the past!

Today’s the last day of my week off from work. End of the year and lotsa leave in hand. The plan was to go trekking in Arunachal, but Vivek sprang a surprise by saying that he will be tying the knot on the 30th. Friends come first, so bye-bye Arunachal. Had a fairly good week though. That included my first overnight trek (check out Nitin’s ace photography on my picasa web album). Then a video games marathon and a whole day spent watching television.

Even had a leisurely walk around the whole of Churchgate, one evening. This was after being seduced by the vintage charm of Mumbai Central train station. I’d never seen the place before and imagining her grandeur in the days of the Raj comes easy now.

I decided to check out the refurbished Sterling theatre. One amusing fact is that they have still retained the old announcement board on their front façade. The Tata house adjacent to it looks regal. Deutshe Bank has done a wonderful job restoring the entire place. The chandelier sparkles invitingly through the giant glass windows, and the lawns look heavenly.

Finally gave into my desire to buy a high end bicycle, the Firefox Warrior. Have ridden it only twice, she’s got an aluminium alloy frame and double shock absorbers. Chose not to go for gears as that would mean extra maintenance as well as more to fear about from the vandals.

Met the ladies of “The Foundation” the day before yesterday. Quite a pleasant experience that was. Sure, I don’t know what I am getting into. This may be my last chance to actually put my money where my mouth is. God’s given me a lot, but there is still that urge to prove my true worth.

I never knew that I could stay awake all night before my mother fell ill. Nor that I could run the half marathon. Last year was my very first attempt. And run the whole distance I did. I did not stop even once, not even when my legs cramped up. This was one event which proved that I could accomplish anything if I put my mind to it. However, I have not gone on to further that example…yet.

There’s another summit that I wish to scale. Till date my El-Dorado has been the performing arts. Be it singing, music or most important of all dancing. Never have I wanted something more in my life.

Have finally got back to blogging. Uploaded a whole bunch of photos for the world to see. That works better than selecting individual snaps on the blog. The only ones that I miss are my pics in Switzerland. All of them were lost when my desktop harddisk crashed.

Next item on the agenda is aeromodelling. Now with news that there are aficionados who meet up at Gorai, I don’t see any obstacle to this ambition, except my own laziness.

The bad part is that I cannot go for Vivek's marriage because the PC-12 is due for her engine change tomorrow.